The Life of Eastern Bluebirds
Eastern bluebirds are loved by people as beautiful, well-behaved, and common birds.

Just hang one or two Kingsyard Bird Feeders in your backyard and put some food that they like, and you will be greeted with eastern bluebirds and their companions soon. Watching the bluebirds fly around your backyard is a real treat! Besides, have you ever wondered how the life of such lovely bluebirds is spent?

After about half a month of the mother’s careful care, the little bluebirds usually choose a warm and comfortable spring or summer morning to come to the world. When it begins to breathe, it will use a row of special teeth on its beak to peck a small hole in the eggshell, constantly pecking out a crack, ready to break the shell at any time. When the crack runs through the entire circle of the egg, these little guys will use all their whole strength to separate the eggshell into two pieces with their heads and necks, so that it can be reborn in about half an hour!

The babies are usually very small and light, weighing only 1.4g, with bare and featherless bodies. The average person would never have thought that it was the same species as those beautiful eastern bluebirds in their backyard based on appearance.
It is wildly well-known that baby birds cannot take good care of themselves for a period of time after they hatch. Both parents cooperatively raise the young, feeding on a diet that consists almost entirely of insects. Just like when we were born, our parents needed to take care of us for a few years before we could eat/dress/go to school independently. This process does not take so long in birds, only about 15-20 days, they will leave their parent’s nests to live a new life and forages on their own. The main food includes caterpillars, beetles, crickets, and spiders, as well as some plants, such as blueberries, black cherry, honeysuckle, bay, pokeweed, and juniper berries. Of course, there are some who will stay around the nest to help their parents raise their siblings.
Young eastern bluebirds are usually gray and have some spots on their chests. The blue parts of the body will become more and more obvious as they grow up, and the spots will gradually disappear, which means that they are no longer kids.

By the spring and summer of the second year, the babies have become adults, and they need to find their beloved to start a family, give birth to lovely babies, and raise them. They usually nest in abandoned woodpecker holes 50 feet above the ground, and occasionally use nesting boxes, if you want, it’s also a good idea to have a nice Kingsyard Bird House in your yard for them, which represents your backyard is very bluebird-friendly! In general, the eastern bluebird has a lifespan of 6-10 years, with the longest recorded lifespan of a bluebird being 10 years and 5 months. That’s AMAZING!
Bluebirds have always been fond of humans, they are usually given GOOD meanings, such as happiness, joy, luck, etc. Whether in the stories of early American colonists or in Chinese mythology, bluebirds are the representative of joy. If you are interested in why bluebirds abandon their eggs sometimes, check out the reason here!
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