NEVER Feed Birds with These Foods
If you enjoy providing food for birds that visit your bird feeders, there is a good chance that you have offered them leftover food on some occasions. Some of these leftover foods in our kitchen are safe for the birds to eat, while others might actually cause them more harm than good if given to them. Let’s explore what not to offer these backyard wild birds when they visit your backyard.
Foods to avoid giving your backyard birds:
1. Garlic, onions, & chives
When consumed in large quantities, onions, garlic, & chives can be toxic to birds. Garlic, onions, and chives are all foods that can be harmful to birds if they ingest too much of them. Anemia is the outcome of the disintegration of red blood cells, which is caused by the poisonous component found in these plants called N-propyl disulfide.
Just a little onion or garlic can make a bird sick so please avoid giving leftovers of these feed items.
2. Avocado
This so-called delicacy is not particularly beneficial for wild birds. Avocados contain fatty and acidic chemicals that can cause a broad range of health issues for avian species, including damage to the heart and even abrupt death. In general, vegetables are beneficial to the health of birds; however, avocados contain this substance.

3. Animal Fat
Animal fat is not recommended as a diet for backyard birds. The ingestion of high-fat meals such as buttery/oily, fatty meats, and nuts can lead to the accumulation of cholesterol deposits along the arterial walls of birds. This can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (known as atherosclerosis), putting them at a higher risk for heart disease & stroke.
Consuming excessive fat can also lead to obesity, along with all of the other health concerns associated with this disease.

Some of the wild visitors to your backyard adore fat. For example, chickadees, warblers, goldfinches, blue jays, brown creepers, starlings, and kinglets.
4. Fruit pits or seeds
The vast majority of fruits are suitable for bird consumption. Nevertheless, it is essential to steer clear of fruits containing seeds or pits. If you intend to provide the birds in your backyard with fruits such as apples, plums, or peaches as food, you must first ensure that the pits and seeds have been completely removed from the fruit.
5. Salt
This well-liked condiment is frequently and unthinkingly sprinkled over a wide variety of dishes by a good number of us. In addition, some of our favorite snacks are salty chips, popped popcorn, pretzels, and crackers. But an excessive amount of salt isn’t healthy for humans, and it isn’t fit for our birds, either. In fact, even a modest amount may be harmful to a smaller bird’s health. Even just one salty chip or pretzel can throw off the delicate electrolyte or adequate fluid in a bird’s tiny body, leading to extreme thirst, dehydration, renal failure, and eventually death. Therefore, the next time you want to offer your avian companion a salty treat, consider a mouthful or two of unsalted popcorn or cracker instead.
6. Chocolate
Birds, like humans, have difficulty saying no to chocolate or items that include chocolate. Chocolate, however, may be harmful to birds even when consumed in incredibly trace amounts. Chocolate consists of both theobromine and caffeine, two substances that can make people sick to their stomachs and give them diarrhea. They can also speed up the heart rate, lead to hyperactivity, cause tremors & seizures, and even kill birds.

7. Milk
The inability of birds to properly digest milk can lead to stomach distress or far more serious health issues. Please, resist the urge to place a milk tray on your bird feeder. Avoid it at any cost.
Most species of garden backyard birds, including robins, starlings, and hedge sparrows, love eating bird seeds, nuts, and either live or dried mealworms. It is in your best interest to provide the birds in your backyard with high-quality food. In that way, you can be sure they are getting the nourishment they need to lead their active lifestyles. You can share your birding daily with other bird lovers in our Facebook Group!

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