How to Keep Bees from Feeders
Keeping bees from hummingbird feeders is a common problem for beekeepers. Hummingbird feeders provide nectar and pollen for bees, which in turn pollinate plants. However, if you have bees near your hummingbird feeder, the feeder will become contaminated and worthless.
• How do Hummingbirds Pollinate?

Here are some tips to help you keep bees away from hummingbird feeders:
Yellow Is A No-No
To keep bees from feeders, avoid the color yellow. Besides, things that are bad for bees, like poison are always in this color. In addition, the bright colors of most hummingbird feeders will also attract bees and keep them away from the feeder. Wasps and bees aren’t as attracted to red as hummingbirds are, they usually prefer yellow.

Modify Your Hummingbird Feeder
One way to keep bees from feeders is to modify your hummingbird feeder so they can’t access the nectar. You can do this by adding a barrier between the feeder and the bees. In fact, you can also install a feeder that’s higher up so that the bees can’t reach it.
In addition, you can also try using sugar water instead of nectar, which will keep the bees away without affecting hummingbirds. Sugar water is calorie-free and contains no pollen, which makes it ideal for use with hummingbird feeders.
Clean Your Hummingbird Feeder Regularly
As established earlier, bees are attracted to sugar water, so keeping your hummingbird feeder clean is essential for bee-free feeding. Cleaning tips include wiping down the top and sides of the feeder with a damp cloth to remove pollen, dust, or other debris. If you can’t clean it yourself, replace the seed every two weeks to help keep bees away.

In addition, immediately clean up any spilled food or water droplets. Finally, only feed hummingbird nectar in a feeder that’s approved. This is because, these feeders are for hummingbirds to feed, and are bee-free!
Use Fake Wasp Nests or Flowers Nearby
Feed bees with fake flower petals that have been soaked in sugar water. This will keep them away from your flowers and feeders and will also help to prevent them from feeding on your flowers.
Another way to keep bees away is by placing fake wasp nests nearby. These nests are made from paper, honeycomb, and fake wasp eggs. They smell like a real wasp nest and will keep bees away.
Periodically Move Feeders
Bees are attracted to food sources near their nests. To keep bees away from the feeder, periodically move the feeder to a new location in your garden. This will keep them from getting used to the location and eventually stop coming around altogether.

Build Bee-Barriers
There’s no doubt that you can attract different birds with yellow and white colors. To keep them away from your feeders, build bee barriers using materials like plastic wrap or a mesh screen. Cut the barrier to the size of your feeder and attach it with zip ties or screws.
Find and Close Leaks
Leaks and drips will attract bees, ants, and other insects because they like to find water sources. Once they discover your feeder, they’ll start building nests around it. This can be a major problem because it will eventually ruin your feeder and discourage hummingbirds from using it. Your best bet is to find and close leaks and drips.
Wrap Up
Keeping bees away from feeders is one of the many challenges backyard bird lovers face. By following these easy tips, you can help keep your hummingbird feeders safe, healthy, and thriving. Refer to Kingsyard for more information, and keep up the good work! Curious about how hummingbirds find the feeders? Here is the answer!
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