8 Fun Facts About American Robin
Birds are wonderful creatures, and humans are beginning to know their importance. Whether you love a crane, woodpecker, or quail, there’s one bird you need to know. It’s the official bird for three states in the United States. But guess what? It’s one of the most popular songbirds in North America——American Robin!

Yes, American Robin is the bird you should see. Whether you’re an experienced bird lover, or a novice wanting to know more about birds in your environment, there are special things about American Robin. Check out these 10 fun facts to learn why it’s one special bird you need to have in your backyard.
1. Largest Thrush in North America
It’s no doubt that American Robin remains the largest thrush in North America. As the case may be, this specie has a long tail and long leg, with a unique color. While a lot of people are familiar with their characteristics, they typically vary from other thrush birds like bluebirds, grey-cheeked, and many others.
2. Target for Parasite
Don’t get it twisted! American Robin is not a target for parasites, but most cowbirds want them around. So, they try to lay their speckled eggs among the Robin ones. In order not to serve as a competition with the robin eggs, they quickly remove those unwanted eggs from their nest.

3. It’s Not Easy to differentiate their Gender
Like other animals that are easy to spot the difference between their genders, American Robin is different. Both the female and male ones are identical and this makes them quite hard to differentiate. Moreover, there are about seven species of American Robin.
So, don’t get baffled when you see one and you can’t predict their gender. On the flip side, you can identify some by their weight only when you notice.
4. They Are Great Singers
Ever seen any great songbird before? American Robin is one of a kind. They have a complex voice box that you can easily identify throughout the day. Most especially in the morning, be rest assured to hear their beautiful tone as they descend choruses for other songbirds.
5. American Robin Have Blue Eggs
One of the most interesting facts about this species of birds is their reproduction. American Robin has a unique light blue set of eggs. And from research, we discover that their blood contains hemoglobin and bile pigments. This, in turn, the eggs to a light blue while they are still forming at an early stage.

6. Fast Flyers and Intoxicated
When I say fast flyers, it doesn’t mean American Robin can compete with Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture. However, you can see them flying up to 20-35 miles per hour. On the other hand, love to drink berries and fermenting fruits that, which makes them intoxicated during the winter and fall season.
7. They Feed on Worms and Other Invertebrates
When it comes to American Robin’s diet, they mostly feed on worms. In fact, one American Robin is capable of eating about 14 worms a day. As it turns out, you can also see them feeding on small snakes, lizards, small fish, and many others, to mention a few.

8. Interesting Keen Vision
Here comes the last one on the list. The American Robin’s eyesight is very sharp, and they can quickly spot animals from afar. Aside from that, they noticed any changes in the weather, as well as land. More to the point, research made it known that they can even see the earth’s magnetic field.
A study on Robin shows there are many fun facts to know. And we hope to give you more if you stay up to date on this platform. Nevertheless, you should be able to spot the American Robin when they visit your lawn. Have you ever heard of some interesting facts about painted bunting? Take a look!
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