Summer Bird-Feeding Tips Every Bird Lover Should Know!
There is a widespread misconception that people shouldn’t provide food for birds during the warm summer months. Some bird lovers are of the opinion that because there is an excess of food sources during the summer seasons, continuing to offer seeds and other meals may cause the birds to become sluggish and cease searching for natural food sources.
Absolutely, feeding birds in summer is a love-hate thing indeed. For birders, it’s really sad to not be able to enjoy those lovely feathered friends in the backyard all summer long; but with the constant heat, bird feeding has also become a hassle…

Never mind! Kingsyard fully understands your concerns and prepare a few summer bird feeding tips for you. hope they can help you! You can also ask for help from more bird-lovers here.
6 Important Summer Bird Feeding Tips
1. Ensure That Feeders Are Always Full
If birds have access to a bird feeder, they won’t have to risk overheating by traveling farther to get food. The better the meal is, the healthier it is. You may attract more bird species by providing them with various items, such as seeds, berries, nectar, fruits, nuts, and some worms. Suet can also be provided throughout the summertime; however, it is essential to select “no-melt” versions that are less likely to become mushy and putrid due to the summer heat. Fresh oranges and grapes are also an excellent choice. And pay attention, NEVER feed birds with bread, donuts, chocolate, Onions, and so on. As backyard bird-lovers, knowing more before birding is never harm.
2. Include a Source of Clean Water
Every species of backyard bird needs access to clean water; all you need to do to provide it for them is a shallow dish or bath filled with clean water. However, the sound of water in motion makes it more probable that more birds will visit the area. Include a dripper or a Kingsyard waterer to feed the birds.

@Crystal Calla
3. Try to put bird feeders in the shade
Keeping a bird feeder in the shade will keep the food cooler and reduce the risk of it going to waste due to the intense heat. Shaded feeders will make it more pleasurable for birds to feed during the hottest part of the day and simpler for backyard birdwatchers to enjoy themselves without being bothered by the glare of the sun. Additionally, if you do not have any shaded area in your backyard, you can simply put a sunshade on top of a bird feeder/house to reduce the amount of heat that enters inside the feeder. A basic plank of wood or even something as creative as an umbrella can do the trick.
4. Protect bird feeders from wildlife (who are an issue in summer)
Summer provides pleasant weather and attracts many small wildlife creatures. So, bird feeders should be protected from other animals. Such as foxes, squirrels, and other small mammals, which could be interested in the free food they provide. Solid baffles should protect feeders. And other measures should be taken to prevent insects like ants, wasps, and spiders from accessing the nectar feeders.
5. Keep the bird feeders dry and clean all the time
You can assist keep seed and food dry by using baffles, a waterproof feeder also can be a great choice. Or you can use netted or open feeders that have more air circulation. This will let any moist seeds dry out before it has a chance to go bad or grow mold.
In order to reduce the risk of any infections being passed between feeding flocks, bird feeders should also often be cleaned using diluted bleach solutions. In addition, clean the poles of the feeders to protect the birds from germs and fungus.

6. Avoid using any kind of pesticide and don’t spray
Reconsider the use of pesticides in light of the fact that there is a high probability that even “safe” chemicals will have an adverse effect on birds.
Try using some best quality multiple bird feeders, good quality seeds/fruits, and offer some clean water all the time in the summer season. By following these tips, your backyard will never be empty of beautiful birds.
Author Introduction: Deborah Cooper is a professional birder and has been working in the nature photography industry for over 15 years. This has allowed Deborah to accumulate a vast wealth of birding knowledge which she shares on the KingsYard blog. Check out more of her writing in Bird-keeping & Bird-feeding.
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